Billie Eilish Supports Mother Earth & Kids, Bristol UK’s Climate Champ–Penny Southgate,Climate Communicator Denali Nalamalapu, Meet the CREEJ

by | Mar 8, 2022 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Billie Eilish supports Mother Earth & kids, plus meet Bristol UK’s climate champion, Penny Southgate. Climate communicator, Denali Nalamalapu, and the Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice.



We’re celebrating International Women’s Day today and we’re starting by giving a shoutout to one of The Climate Daily’s loyal listeners, and a true, local climate change champion, Penny Southgate of Bristol, England.

Southgate is the Presenter (or as we say on this side of the pond, host)  of One Love One Planet (BCfm 93.2fm). For her, “Finally everyone’s talking about climate. Now let’s get down to action!” The one-hour show airs each Tuesday beginning at 11AM GMT.

Southgate’s format makes the hour go by quickly. She generally hosts with a guest who is involved somehow in local or national climate action. She reads some news, followed by some good news in a segment she calls, Reasons To be Cheerful. There’s also a regular feature called Press Pause, and then What’s Ons. There’s always a segment highlighting things we can all do to reduce our footprint.

I love what Penny Southgate is doing to elevate climate change conversation into action in her town of Bristol and throughout Britain’s southwest region. Not only does she keep it both lighthearted and real, her authenticity is charming and a fun listen.

What’s more, Ms. Southgate has just started a fantastic job feeding us stories of strength, hope and resilience in the era of climate change from the UK. Stories we look forward to bringing to you dear listeners over the next little while. 

Why does Penny Southgate matter to us? She’s a shining example of the phrase, “From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” To combat climate change, we all need to discover what we’re good at, and exploit that skill in the fight to restore the climate.

DEEPER DIVE: BCFMradio, Twitter



20-year old superstar Billie Eilish, joined her mom Maggie Baird, founder of nonprofit Support + Feed, at the end of February on Capitol Hill and lent her voice to support the Healthy Future Students and Earth Act (H.R.4108). Eilish said about her support, “I’m proud to advocate for this legislation that will help to fight climate change, combat food insecurity, and promote health equity.”

The legislation, introduced in June 2021, would establish a nationwide voluntary pilot program that makes grants to school districts to provide plant-based, planet-friendly, and culturally appropriate meals to students.

Current figures estimate more than 14 million children live in food-insecure situations. If the legislation passes, lack of funding will no longer be the reason schools are not able to provide healthy plant-based foods that also have a much lower carbon footprint.

Why does the Act matter to us? Healthy Future Students and Earth is at the intersection of food insecurity and public health, as climate change increasingly demonstrates its negative impact on food systems. According to a report by the UCLA Sustainability Committee, looking both at water conservation and greenhouse gas emissions, it is much more efficient and cost-effective to eat plant foods than animal foods.

#ClimateFriendlySchoolFood #BillieEilish #PlantBased

DEEPER DIVE: VEG & MEET, Common Dreams, The Beet



Meet Denali Sai Nalamalapu. Nalamalapu, from Washington, D.C., is a queer South Indian American writer, artist, and climate communicator. Nalamalapu creates content that is about humans and their relationship to the land around them. Nalamalapu says “I write and create as a part of a global, intersectional climate movement that gives voice to our interconnectedness with an impact on nature and pushes for bold action on climate.”

As part of Nalamalapu’s work–writing for various outlets and publications, Nalamalapu is also a climate spokesperson for and 350Action. 350Action is an organization that is working to end fracking and to create renewable energy sources.

Why does Denali Sai Nalamalapu matter to us. Nalamalapu’s art focuses on getting people to think collectively rather than individually. When we only think about climate action on an individual level, Nalamalapu says it becomes “super convenient for fossil-fuel corporations” to divide and disrupt the energy transition movement.

Check out some of Denali Sai Nalamalapu’s art by clicking on the links in the Deeper Dive section of this story at

DEEPER DIVE: Denali Sai Nalamalapu, Bangalore Review,



Founded by Catherine Flowers in 2002, the Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice (CREEJ) works to address the lack of wastewater infrastructure, in particular.

CREEJ focuses on the environmental and human health effects from the virtually absent sewage and waste infrastructure in targeted areas of the US.  Southern Alabama’s Lowndes County. Currently the Center is focused on three locations: Lowndes County, Alabama, Allensworth, CA and Cancer Alley, an 85-mile stretch of land along the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, in the River Parishes of Louisiana, which contain over 150 petrochemical plants and refineries.

CREEJ has raised a rural, local area issue to a national and international issue. The Center has evolved to “Reduce health and economic disparities and improve access to clean air, water, and soil in marginalized rural communities.” Climate change is already causing coastal populations to migrate inland to rural communities, themselves stressed and whole sewage systems are overburdened. 

In addition to working with specific community partners, CREEJ strategies are designed to scale and create widespread influence across policy, technology, and research platforms. 

Why does the Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice matter to us? The work it does helps raise awareness of the high price of poor sewage systems. Sewage pollutes our surface drinking water. It also seeps into freshwater aquifers, polluting groundwater.  Sewage also increases surface water temperatures, negatively affecting biodiversity.

We celebrate all women today.  Happy International Womens’ Day!!

DEEPER DIVE: CREEJ, Rout Fifty, WSU Insider