Chesapeake Bay to Gain 210 Million More Oysters! Announcing the 2023 Conservative Climate Summit! Great News on The Climate Reforestation Campaign!

by | May 31, 2023 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Chesapeake Bay to gain 210 million more oysters! And announcing the 2023 Conservative Climate Summit! Plus great news on The Climate reforestation campaign!



According to, WRF Group is planting more than 210 million juvenile oysters over 52.5 acres of sanctuaries in the Eastern Bay Region under a Maryland Department of Natural Resources oyster reef restoration contract. More than 33,600 bushels of spat-on-shell…


BTW, spat-on-shell is not what it sounds like. Spat is the name for oyster larvae that permanently attach themselves to a surface. More than 33,600 bushels of spat-on-shell are being planted in five sanctuary areas in Queen Anne’s and Talbot county waters beginning this month. Approximately 725 million diploid oyster larvae are being produced in Chesapeake Bay commercial hatcheries to achieve the required spat-on-shell seed for reef building.Approximately 725 million diploid oyster larvae are being produced in Chesapeake Bay commercial hatcheries to achieve the required spat-on-shell seed for reef building by WRF Group. WRF Group was founded by Ricky Fitzhugh, who also founded Seed to Shuck Ventures. WRF and Seed to Shuck focus on developing advanced solutions for the shellfish industry, including hatchery production, aquaculture equipment design and manufacturing and reef restoration for sanctuaries and public fisheries.

Why does planting 210 million spat-on-shell oysters in 52.5 acres of the Chesapeake Bay matter to us? Aside from the ability of oysters to filter water and establish complementary ecosystems? Said, Fitzhugh, “Through our extensive experience and expertise in commercial hatchery production, oyster farming and reef replenishment, WRF is uniquely qualified for this large-scale assignment to restore marine habitat and clean Bay waters.”

DEEPER DIVE: Dorchester Star, Chesapeake Bay Magazine, Ricky Fitzhugh



The United States is notoriously split on whether climate change exists, with conservative Republicans still likely to doubt its existence, so it’s always a great thing to see something like this, and this is the announcement of the 2nd Annual Conservative Climate Summit on Friday, September 8, 2023 in the home state of Representative John Curtis (R-Utah) Utah, at the Utah Valley University Sorenson Student Center.

The Conservative Climate Summit is sponsored by the Conservative Climate Caucus. As reported by The Climate Daily, the caucus is within the United States House of Representatives composed of 73 members. It was founded by Representative Curtis in 2021 during the 117th United States Congress. The caucus’s self-declared purpose is to “Educate House Republicans on climate policies and legislation consistent with conservative values.”

So far, announced featured speakers at the Conservative Climate Summit include Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and John Dennis Liu, Commonland Ambassador & Environmental Filmmaker. Both of these distinguished speakers will provide invaluable insights and a deeper understanding of these critical issues. The full speaker line-up and event program is still TBD, so we at The Climate Daily will post you up as soon as updates are posted.

Why does the 2nd Annual Conservative Climate Summit on September 8, 2023 matter to us? Because, according to its own press release, “The event promises to be an inspiring and engaging experience, offering the chance to explore conservative approaches to our climate challenges.” Stay tuned for more information.

DEEPER DIVE: CCC Registration, Wikipedia, Conservative Climate Caucus



Last January, The Climate Daily ran its first ever Climate Champions, massive tree reforestation campaign. If you recall, a climate champion is A climate champion is one willing to take action to help change the current direction – so our fears don’t come to pass.

In that first campaign, 33 listeners of The Climate Daily committed to donate $3/day for 4 months to plant 10,000 trees to reforest a Californian forest. Well, our planting partner, One Tree Planted, just sent us the certificate of planting, along with some initial photos. We’ll have them all up on shortly.

(WHOO HOOO!) That’s great news. For the past month or seo, we’ve ended each episode with call to action. That call to action is to participate in The Climate’s 50/100 massive reforestation campaign—our second massive reforestation campaign– and and in the process,  become a climate champion.

Well, the good parishioners of St. Garabed’s Armenian Church took our call to action to whole new level. Over the course of three weeks, according to a brief letter included with a check they sent to us, the community donated $2750 toward replanting 10,000 trees!

And in a wonderful example of community spirit, members of the Eagle Flight Squadron of Columbia Spartanburg, SC held a carwash and netted $1500.00.

Outstanding. Thank you all. We now stand at 9,000 trees. We just need 1000 trees to make our goal by June 6th. Become a climate champion and donate $50 or $100 today.

Remember the planet needs it. The World Meteorological Organization just released a report last week that forecasts us exceeding the 1.5C/2.5F global heating limit—below which we can offset the worst effects of climate change—by the year 2027—13 years ahead of schedule!

Yikes! Become a climate champion and get us across the finish line. Donate $50 or $100 one time, to get us those last 1000 trees goal by June 6th. Become a climate champion and donate $50 or $100 today. Thank you!

DEEPER DIVE: WMO Report,  50/100 Campaign, Trillion Tree Project