Climate Champions Shout Outs! Turing Lectures- “How To Speak Whale,” IEA Claims Green Energy to Dominate EU Power Soon!

by | Feb 13, 2023 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Climate Champions Shout Outs! Turing Lectures- “How To Speak Whale,” IEA Claims Green Energy to Dominate EU Power Soon!



We’ve got seven more shout outs for Climate Champions donating to our second, 10K reforestation project. We launched it just last week, and already William Madison, Peter Loge, Bill Gentile, Beth Parke, Christie Parell, Aysin Ozdag and Mark Nabong have donated. If you’re down for restoring nature on a massive scale to help offset the worst effects of climate change, join our 50 or 100 campaign. Click on the link in the Deeper Dive Section of this story at, OR @wetheclimate on FB, Insta or Twitter.

A handful of listeners are now working with us at the Climate to build their own climate champions campaign–a small group of people making a massive impact in a short amount of time. They’re gathering  50 friends to commit to $2 a day for a short amount of time to plant and grow 10,000 trees–a 20-acre forest! If you wish to get involved, or start your own climate champions campaign–DM us on our socials or email us at info@ 



Thank you, Climate Champion Beth Parke, for this fascinating story. Join wildlife filmmaker Tom Mustill for a fascinating Turing Lecture for ages 11+, as he explores if humans will ever be able to speak to whales using AI. The event is tomorrow, Feb. 14th from 2-3:15P London time, which is 9A New York time. Featuring lively pyrotechnic demonstrations exploring how whale voices travel, an opportunity for audience members to get involved and try to speak like a whale, and awe-inspiring footage from the bodies of whales and dolphins, take a deep dive into their world under the sea. 

The Turing Lectures series features influential figures from the dynamic world of data science and artificial intelligence. Britain’s Alan Turing is considered to be the father of theoretical computer science. In 2015, wildlife filmmaker Tom Mustill was almost crushed by a humpback whale while kayaking in California. Fascinated by these otherworldly creatures, he began to investigate how researchers are using AI, undersea robots, and animal spying devices to do something incredible: decipher whale song.  

According to the webinar promo literature, “We invite you to submerge yourself in Tom’s underwater world, hear about the amazing advances scientists are making in decoding animal communication, and be rumbled by the voices of our deep-sea orca-stra!” Why does learning to speak whale matter to us? Frankly, given the fact that whales can reason, communicate, perceive, remember, as well as work in groups to strategize and attack, it would behoove humans to befriend them. How to speak whale. Click on the link in the Deeper Dive section of to register. 

DEEPER DIVE: Registration, Turing Lectures, Alan Turing, Big Whale Brains



According to Reuters, a rise in wind and solar production, together with more nuclear electricity, will dominate growth in global power supply over the next three years, curbing the emissions impact of greater energy use, the International Energy Agency said on Wednesday. IEA director Faith Birol said, “The good news is that renewables and nuclear power are growing quickly enough to meet almost all this additional appetite, suggesting we are close to a tipping point for power sector emissions,”

The share of wind and solar in the power generation mix is seen rising to 35% in 2025 from 29% in 2022. Growth in global electricity demand meanwhile is expected to rise by one percentage point from 2022 to an average of 3% over the next three years to 29,281 terawatt-hours (TWh), or double the current consumption of Japan, the report said.

Highlighting the need for more clean energy, the IEA linked the rise in the world’s energy demand to climate change as heatwaves in India caused the highest peak power demand yet in the country and summer droughts reduced hydropower supplies in Europe. Production from gas-fired power plants in Europe is forecast to fall, but significant growth in gas-fired production in the Middle East is likely to limit the decrease, the report said. The IEA projects European gas-fired production falling from the 822 TWh recorded in 2022 to 581 TWh, down 29% in three years, with emissions falling 1,023 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 to 763 Mt CO2, down about 10% per year.