Climate Crusader–Jenny Bruso, International Day for Biological Diversity, Why The Climate Daily Reforestation Campaign Matters

by | May 22, 2023 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Climate Crusader, Jenny Bruso, plus International Day for Biological Diversity! And why The Climate Daily reforestation campaign matters!



Jenny Bruso (she/they) is a self-identified “queer fat femme dirt worshipper taking body liberation outdoors.” She is also the founder of Unlikely Hikers, a community empowering people who have historically been excluded from the outdoors to get outside. Its motto is, “Nature is infinitely diverse and so are we. We ARE nature.” Here’s some great wisdom from their website: “Yes, the literal outdoors don’t discriminate. We know the trail, the trees, the lakes and so on, aren’t keeping us from going outside nor is anyone getting a handwritten invitation, but exclusion isn’t always verbal.” 

Unlikely Hikers hosts events across the country to bring people together who do not fit the mold of what society portrays as the typical hiker. Bruso’s goal “is to create a safe space for people of all abilities and backgrounds to enjoy hiking.” 

DEEPER DIVE: Jenny Bruso, Unlikely Hikers



Uh, you kinda buried the lead here.

(What you talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?!)

Today is International Day for Biological Diversity. It’s a United Nations–sanctioned international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues, currently held on May 22. International Day for Biological Diversity falls within the scope of the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” International Day for Biological Diversity has been around since 1993. Each year has a theme. This year’s theme is, “From agreement to action: Build back biodiversity”. 

Why does this day matter to us? Biodiversity remains the answer to several sustainable development challenges. From nature-based solutions to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better.

DEEPER DIVE: Wikipedia, Convention on Biological Diversity, UN, Geneva Environment Network, “From Agreement to Action…”



For many years, scientists have been warning that the rise in global temperature must be kept to below 1.5⁰C above pre-industrial levels in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change. It’s so important a benchmark, it’s been a rallying cry in the climate activist community since the Paris Accords of 2015. According to a report released last week by the World Metrological Organization, that limit is about to be breached. It estimates there is a 66% chance that global temperatures will breach the 1.5⁰C limit by 2027.

Depending upon who you talk to, that’s either three or thirteen years sooner than predicted. That’s not good. But there is hope. In the form of trees. Trillions of them. The reality is trees are currently the best technology for capturing carbon dioxide, that greenhouse gas most responsible for global warming. It’s possible human beings will develop and scale up a technology that can rival the efficiency of Nature. But until then, our best hope is to plant a trillion trees by 2030, or sooner. That’s why we’re asking you to join our crowdfunding campaign—and our 30 tree planting partners to plant 10,000 trees at one time in one of seven regions around the world. Of course the tree-planting professionals will do all the planting.

That’s right. Join our other 201 crowdfunder partners and make a one time donation of $50 or $100 and become a climate champion. Go to, and at the top of the page, click on the words, “Climate Champion” and donate today. What’s a climate champion? A Climate Champion is someone who sees the impacts of climate change, experiences those changes themselves, and knows we cannot continue the way we have.  They’re someone who loves our green, blue and beautiful planet and wants the things they love about it to be there – just as green, blue and beautiful – for their children and their children’s children. 

A climate champion is one willing to take action to help change the current direction – so our fears don’t come to pass. We’re proud to be a champion for the earth and for the climate.  Come join us! Donate today. Go to, and at the top of the page, click on the words, “Climate Champion” and donate today

DEEPER DIVE: WMO Report,  50/100 Campaign, Trillion Tree Project