EPA Invites You to an EJ Community Call, Grist and Reuters Climate Seminar, the Healthy Oceans and Finance Virtual Forum, Nature Photographers–Jürgen And Stella Chiu-Freund

by | Jan 24, 2022 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

EPA invites you to an EJ Community Call, plus Grist and Reuters host climate seminar. The Healthy Oceans and Finance Virtual Forum, and nature photographers–Jürgen And Stella Chiu-Freund.



Lot of good solutions-oriented climate change webinars/forums happening this week. Let’s not dawdle. Let’s get to it. First up the EPA invites EJ advocates (us) to participate in National EJ Community Engagement calls. These calls are free & open to the public.

It’s happening tomorrow, January 25, 2022, 2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central, Noon Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific


The purpose of these calls is to inform communities about EPA’s environmental justice work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with environmental justice advocates. As environmental justice continues to be integrated into EPA programs and policies, the Agency hopes that these calls will help reaffirm EPA’s continued commitment to work with community groups and the public to strengthen local environmental and human health outcomes. EPA has increased the frequency of these engagement calls to learn more from stakeholders and communities and to provide updates about ongoing initiatives. 

Registration: Due to limited space, participation in this call will be on a first come, first-served basis. Pre-registration is highly suggested, but not required. If registration has reached capacity, please see the links below for instructions on how to access the call if seating is available on the day of the meeting. If you are unable to join the call, a summary will be posted to the U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Justice’s website after. 

For more information about the National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Calls, please visit the website or email: Victoria Robinson (robinson.victoria@epa.gov) or Christina Motilall (motilall.christina@epa.gov).

DEEPER DIVE: EPA Registration, EPA



Grist, the non-profit, independent media organization–around since 1999— and Reuters, the news agency are holding a climate-change seminar for business leaders on January 25th, but I think it’s valuable enough for all you Climate Daily listeners to consider attending. Here’s the pitch:

“Today’s business leaders face a trifecta of a full-blown climate crisis, an ever-widening social equity chasm and a still-raging global pandemic. How can CEOs rise to this challenge and lead their organizations to a more sustainable future?”

This one-hour webinar will draw upon a major research study and an expert panel to light a path forward, with insights on the role of leadership in accelerating sustainability action plus how to identify and empower the next generation of executives who have skills to deliver lasting value for all stakeholders over the next decade and beyond.

JOIN GRIST Tuesday, January 25th at 12 PM ET for the free online webinar with:

  • Christiana Riley, Member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank AG, CEO of Deutsche Bank USA Corp
  • Dominik von Achten Chairman of the Managing Board, Heidelberg Cement
  • Sarah Galloway, Sustainability Co-Head, Russell Reynolds Associates
  • Kurt Harrison, Sustainability Co-Head, Russell Reynolds Associates

Moderated by: Shakuntala Santhiran, Independent Broadcast Media Professional.

Click on the link in the Deeper Dive section of this story at TheClimate.org/episodes to register for the webinar.

DEEPER DIVE: Grist Webinar, Grist, Reuters,



Did you know oceans supply about 70% of the oxygen we breathe? Did you know that billions of people rely on oceans for food and livelihoods? And yet the oceans are under threat because we continue to treat them both as our kitchen and our toilet.

The Asian Development Bank’s Healthy Oceans Tech and Finance Forum, sponsored by Healthy Oceans to be held on January 26-28, 2022, aims to promote and share innovative technologies, good practices, case studies, and practical solutions to protect and enhance the health and resilience of ocean ecosystems and coastal communities in the region.

The three-day forum will cover 4 thematic tracks: (1) Plastic-Free Oceans, (2) Coastal Resilience, (3) Ocean Finance, and (4) Blue Foods. The program will include talks by ocean champions, seaside conversations with ADB management, and special spotlight sessions. Deep dives under each thematic track will feature ocean science, innovation, and technologies along with traditional and approaches and solutions (including low-technology and indigenous knowledge) that have potential for scale-up.

Registration is free. Each day starts at 9 East, and it looks like you can dart in and out of the virtual sessions. Hey, if you’re working remotely—why not work and get educated at the same time? Interested, but not convinced? Check out the beautiful and inspirational video trailer for this 3-day event @ healtyoceans.adb.org or @TheClimate.org/episodes in the Deeper Dive section of this story.

DEEPER DIVE: Healthy Oceans & Finance Forum, Agenda, Health Oceans Video Trailer


Speaking of the Healthy Oceans and Finance Forum the video trailer was made by Juergen Freund. He’s one half of the dynamic duo of Jürgen Freund and Stella Chiu-Freund, wildlife and underwater photographers. They’re chroniclers of nature, a married couple, and traveling companions who together have experienced many adventures in the natural world.

Juergen, a mechanical engineer by training, worked for an industrial photographer in Munich. During his seven-year stint, he became intrigued by the challenge of underwater marine photography and in 1995 succumbed to the call of the sea, freelancing for organizations and magazines worldwide.

Stella, a Manila native, went from anthropology to advertising to making documentaries for publishing houses and NGOs before meeting Juergen and producing photo stories with him. A visit to their website, juergenfreund.com is a journey around the world, underwater. It’s meditative, energizing and inspiring.

The Freunds have published three books, Wildlife Under the Waves, The Coral Triangle, and Sulu Sulawesi Seas. Why does their video and photographic work matter to us? Gorgeous photos of this planet’s underwater world remind us what we’re fighting for!

So, take in a few beauty moments by spending time at the Freund’s video site, vimeo.com/juergenfreund, or visit the Deeper Dive section of this story at TheClimate.org/episodes.

DEEPER DIVE: Freund Vimeo, Portfolio Website, WWF