, National Black Enviro Justice Network, Social Innovation Japan, Women’s Earth Alliance

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily, National Black Enviro Justice Network, Social Innovation Japan, Women’s Earth Alliance



Here’s a little company doing big things out of Japan. It’s called, Social Innovation Japan. And according to its website it unleashes “the power of people to create, accelerate and support bold solutions for positive change.”

It was founded in 2017 as an international organization made of social impact and sustainability specialists focused on co-creating solutions toward building an era of sustainable and equitable development. SIJ targets global brands, governments and other changemakers in tackling real world problems around climate change.

Two of its projects include, “Saying sayonara to plastic waste,” and development of the MyMizu App. It’s Japan’s first water refill app. With nearly 200,000 refill spots worldwide, including spots added by our users and awesome shops and cafes who let you refill for free – we make sure you never have to buy bottled water again!—hence, “Sayonara to plastic waste.”

This initiative won Social Innovation Japan the 2020 “Good Life Award, Minister of Environment Prize” – one of Japan’s top sustainability prizes! The Good Life Award identifies the top initiatives across Japan that are doing good for the environment and society.

DEEPER DIVE: SIJ, Good Life Award, MyMizu



Did you know that African Americans are 79 percent more likely than whites to live in neighborhoods with toxic industrial pollution that poses the greatest health dangers?

The National Black Environmental Justice Network was formed in December 1999. Its mission is to build a world where Black people live in communities free from the vestiges of systemic racism and environmental degradation with full access to opportunities for building a quality life for Black children and families, power, civil rights and human rights.

NBEJN fosters the environmental justice leadership of the future. It does that by working in the following priority areas:

  • Environmental Justice Research, Education and Policy
  • Public Health
  • Climate Justice and Disasters
  • Youth Leadership Development

 The organization is grounded on the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice, the first of which is this: Environmental justice affirms the sacredness of Mother Earth, ecological unity and the interdependence of all species, and the right to be free from ecological destruction.

The last principle of Environmental justice requires that we, as individuals, make personal and consumer choices to consume as little of Mother Earth’s resources and to produce as little waste as possible; and make the conscious decision to challenge and reprioritize our lifestyles to insure the health of the natural world for present and future generations.

To see the whole list, visit us at the and click on the link in the Deeper Dive section of this story.

DEEPER DIVE: NBEJN, 17 Principles



I’m starting to see two themes emerge here on The Climate Daily. The first is that there are plenty of people willing to reward youth for combating climate change. The second is there are beaucoup women out there fighting climate change individually in their own communities, or are teaming up with others to do the same.

One such team is the Women’s Earth Alliance. Their motto is, “When women thrive, the Earth thrives.” The WEA was founded in 2006 as a global initiative that trains, resources and catalyzes grassroots women-led efforts to protect our environment and build healthy, safe, and just communities now and into the future.

In its 15 years of existence, the WEA has worked on 125 projects across 22 countries involving close to 300 grassroots partners. One such multi-pronged project in Indonesia, built Indigenous women’s leadership in driving solutions such as:

  • Restoring coral reefs with local communities
  • Training indigenous “Forest Guardians” to fight forest fires and restore forests
  • Improving livelihoods of cacao farmers and detoxifying the land through regenerative agriculture
  • Protecting forests, mangroves and economies through non-timber, forest-based livelihoods
  • Transforming watersheds and waste streams with schools and institutions
  • Converting chemically-contaminated farms to organic

Why does the work of the Women’s Earth Alliance matter to us? Two reasons. First it’s ability to accelerate and scale projects, and two—well, women. They’re at least 50% of the human population of the planet, so better to have them on your team. I mean, come on, you saw that last one coming a mile away, right?

DEEPER DIVE: WEA, LushUSA, Common Dreams



When it comes to advancing climate crisis solutions, Grounded is working hard to create awareness and accelerate change. Grounded is committed to maintaining a livable planet and helping our species survive. Grounded is a philanthropic organization that works to identify and advance climate solutions.

It was founded on the idea that if we present a problem, then we must also present solutions. How does Grounded accomplish its mission, and why does it matter to us? Grounded weaves together strategists, scientists, solutionists and engaged citizens, through storytelling, and an online community in support of Earth-based solutions.

So Grounded began with an inaugural Grounded Summit in March 2019: Solutions for a Regenerative Planet held in northern California. It brought people together from around the world to talk about tangible, scalable climate crisis solutions. 

There’s a five-minute recap of the summit now available on YouTube. Just click the link in the Deeper Dive section of this story at Totally Worth the five minutes.

Grounded also offers webinars, as well as the chance to connect with who they’re calling Climate Solutionists. These solutionists come in six varieties: Indigenous Knowledge and Leadership, Legal and Governance, Circular Economy, Resilient Agriculture & Food Systems, Earth-Based Solutions, as well as Alternative Energy.

Grounded claims to be a community for action and viable solutions that can mitigate the worst impacts of our climate emergency, and transforms hopelessness into empowerment. 

DEEPER DIVE: YouTube, Grounded.Org, Webinar Registration