It’s World Reef Day! Coral Reef Alliance, Great News on The Climate Reforestation Campaign!

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

It’s World Reef Day! Plus Coral Reef Alliance, and great news on The Climate reforestation campaign!



On June 1, consumers, businesses, and organizations around the world celebrate World Reef Day. They are invited to reflect on the delicate ecosystem of our ocean’s coral reefs and prevent further reef loss. World Reef Day is now the recurring annual day for the world to come together in awareness and activation to effect positive change for our world’s reefs. The initiative was launched by Raw Elements USA with the support of Hawaiian Airlines and Aqua-Aston Hospitality in 2021. World Reef Day kicks off a month of initiatives focused on the environment to spur conversations and actions to support sustainability. 

The day brings together the general public, influencers, and opinion leaders to create active change through education and engagement. World Reef Day aims to bring awareness to how coral reefs are hurt by human activity, including industrial pollution, plastic pollution, sewage, and chemical sunscreens. World Reef Day promoters highlight that change is possible through simple, everyday choices and spreading the message. 

“Two easy steps we can take to protect these precious coral are by wearing non-nano zinc oxide sunscreen and reducing our use of plastics that contribute to marine plastic pollution,” notes Dr. Craig Downs, Ph.D., and forensic ecotoxicologist. In 2015, Downs released a peer-reviewed study that concluded that oxybenzone was a threat to coral reefs. “The launch of World Reef Day is the culmination of a lifelong dream of ours to make a difference on this planet through awareness, education, and positive action,” says Brian Guadagno, founder and CEO of Raw Elements USA.

As consumers become more aware of the perils facing our oceans, we want to empower them to initiate simple changes in their daily lives, such as using reef-safe sunscreen and reducing plastic waste, which will have an enormous impact on the planet. World Reef Day organizers will encourage consumers and businesses alike to get involved with worthy organizations making a difference in the future of our world’s coral reefs, such as Haereticus Environmental Laboratory (HEL), The Friends of Hanauma Bay, and Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.

DEEPER DIVE: World Reef Day, Wikipedia, Coral Reef Alliance



“Our mission is to save the world’s coral reefs.” So says the homepage of the Coral Reef Alliance. The group works at local, regional, and global levels to keep coral reefs healthy, so they can adapt to climate change and survive for generations to come. As one of the largest global NGOs focused exclusively on protecting coral reefs, the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) has used cutting-edge science and community engagement for nearly 30 years to reduce direct threats to reefs and to promote scalable and effective solutions for their protection.

How do they do it? Through a seven step process, the involves working with local communities and businesses to build a culture of environmental stewardship that leads to better protections for coral reef ecosystems:

  • Coral Reef Alliance partners with the tourism industry and dive community to raise awareness and reduce the adverse effects of unsustainable activities like overcrowding and reef trampling.
  • it installs mooring buoys that eliminate the need for boat anchors.
  • It establishes management plans for protected areas, like Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) or Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs), that include habitat protections such as prohibiting destructive fishing practices and reducing anchor damage to reefs.
  • By increasing compliance with laws and regulations that protect reef habitats by conducting law enforcement patrols, clarifying governance, and building awareness among community members.
  • CRA strengthens coastal communities’ capacity to generate income from tourism in a way that protects coral reefs and supports local livelihoods.
  • And increasing stewardship for coral reefs by building community awareness about coral reef ecosystems and the threats they face.
  • And finally, CRA supports and encourages protections for other related ecosystems, like mangrove forests and lagoons, that are essential for healthy coral reefs.

Why does the Coral Reef Alliance and saving coral reefs matter to us? Although they cover less than 0.1% of the earth’s surface, coral reefs are the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world.

Coral reefs are home to:

  • 4,000 species of reef fish
  • 840 species of corals
  • Over 1 million species of other animals

DEEPER DIVE: World Reef Day, Wikipedia, Coral Reef Alliance


Last January, The Climate Daily ran its first ever Climate Champions, massive tree reforestation campaign. If you recall, a climate champion is A climate champion is one willing to take action to help change the current direction – so our fears don’t come to pass. 

In that first campaign, 33 listeners of The Climate Daily committed to donate $3/day for 4 months to plant 10,000 trees to reforest a Californian forest. Well, our planting partner, One Tree Planted, just sent us the certificate of planting, along with some initial photos. We’ll have them all up on shortly.

(WHOO HOOO!) That’s great news. For the past month or seo, we’ve ended each episode with call to action. That call to action is to participate in The Climate’s 50/100 massive reforestation campaign—our second massive reforestation campaign– and and in the process,  become a climate champion.

Well, the good parishioners of St. Garabed’s Armenian Church took our call to action to whole new level. Over the course of three weeks, according to a brief letter included with a check they sent to us, the community donated $2750 toward replanting 10,000 trees!

And in a wonderful example of community spirit, members of the Eagle Flight Squadron of Columbia Spartanburg, SC held a carwash and netted $1500.00.

Outstanding. Thank you all. We now stand at 9,000 trees. We just need 1000 trees to make our goal by June 6th. Become a climate champion and donate $50 or $100 today.

Remember the planet needs it. The World Meteorological Organization just released a report last week that forecasts us exceeding the 1.5C/2.5F global heating limit—below which we can offset the worst effects of climate change—by the year 2027—13 years ahead of schedule!

Yikes! Become a climate champion and get us across the finish line. Donate $50 or $100 one time, to get us those last 1000 trees goal by June 6th. Become a climate champion and donate $50 or $100 today. Thank you!

DEEPER DIVE: WMO Report,  50/100 Campaign, Trillion Tree Project