Stockholm to Become “Impact Capital of the World”, Russia Expresses Interest in Climate Change, More Gretas On the Horizon, Scientists discover 12 New Marine Species

by | Mar 15, 2021 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Stockholm mayor pledges to make Stockholm the “Impact capital of the world,” plus a Russian Arctic research vessel sets sail into the Neva River. Sweden’s environmental education is building a generation of Greta Thunbergs, and scientists discover 12 new species in the deep Atlantic.



Stockholm mayor Anna Konig Jerlmyr recently spoke about why cities are key to solving climate change. The country of Sweden already leads the world when it comes to climate change initiatives. But she wants the city of Stockholm to become a “fossil free organisation” by 2030 and “a climate positive city” by 2040. In order to motivate her citizens, Konig Jerlmyr says it’s important to give them a sense of urgency on sustainability. To work with effective measures that will help Stockholm achieve the goal of becoming the world’s first climate positive city.

She says the pandemic has shown people just how vital protecting the environment is, says König Jerlmyr. “We have so many green areas in Stockholm. We also have lots of water and the air and water are clean.” König Jerlmyr sees this as a pan-European perspective. She points out that cities are more agile and ambitious than their EU member states. She believes cities are where the solutions are; cities work to bring together the universities and the business community, which will then affect the larger individual EU countries. Her goal is to act now before it becomes too late for future generations.




A Russian Arctic research vessel named “North Pole” has set out into the Neva River to bolster Russia’s Arctic research. Reported by the Barents Observer, the Russian vessel is being prepared for operation in 2022 and will serve as a tool to enhance the scientific community’s understanding of the Arctic. 

Estimated to exceed roughly $100 million, the vessel has been under construction for about two years through a joint effort between the Federal Service for Hydro-meteo-rology and Environmental Monitoring and Russia’s Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. 

On board, the vessel will house roughly 14 crew and up to 34 researchers. These researchers will have accessibility to 15 labs and the vessel will be able to operate for roughly two years, drifting in remote Arctic waters without ice breaker assistance. Reported by The Drive, exploration is said to focus on geo-logical, sonar, geophysical, and oceanographic studies.  The Climate Daily will be sure to follow-up on the vessel’s progress and any exploration details going forward. 

Deeper Dive: The Barents Observer, The Drive


Sweden’s environmental education is building a generation of Greta Thunbergs

The fact that 17-year-old Greta Thunberg became the face of climate change action may have taken the world by surprise, but in Sweden, young people have long been champions of the environment.

Thunberg may make take large steps like sailing to New York to attend a United Nations conference, but her student comrades also take small-yet-important steps. Students at an elementary school in a suburb of Stockholm remove their sneakers and boots at the door before entering for the day. It’s not just about their comfort. It’s primarily to reduce the need for chemical floor cleaners that harm the environment.

Lessons on the environment aren’t compressed into a single course but addressed across subjects, from science to home economics, and in every grade beginning in preschool. Given the breadth of the instruction, the interest in environmentalism isn’t a surprise to teachers, but the level of action that young people are taking is. 

The environment — from ecology to conservation — has been an integral part of the Swedish curriculum since 1969. Teachers and education experts couldn’t pinpoint an event that sparked its adoption, but the relationship with nature has long been prominent in Swedish culture.

Instead of being exceptional, Thunberg reflects the culmination of decades of government educational policies. “She is a representative of this generation. A lot of kids have the feeling that something needs to change,” said Kajsa Holm, 26, a social science teacher.

Johan Ohman, a Swedish professor of education sums it up best. “We tried to create green revolutionaries, make them think in a specific way,”

11-year old Liv Emfel has two different visions of the world. “It’s either a beautiful world and we fixed everything and we saved the climate and the environment, or it’s just getting worse and we can’t do anything and everyone thinks they’re going to die because we didn’t do anything earlier.” 




Scientists have long claimed only 5% of Earth’s oceans have been explored and documented — meaning the majority of the ocean and its species are still unknown. However, exploration is still underway in the scientific communities and After nearly five years of studying the deep Atlantic, 12 new species have been discovered. 

Reported by the BBC, the unprecedented reveal of the dozen species include sea mosses, molluscs and corals. The team of scientists also discovered roughly 35 new records of species in locations where they were previously unknown. 

In an interview with the BBC, Professor at the University of Edinburgh Murray Roberts said they found entire communities formed by sponges or deep ocean corals that comprise the ecosystem. 

Unfortunately, researchers also found the newly discovered marine species could already be threatened by climate change due to increased carbon dioxide absorption in ocean waters. Still the team of scientists say it’s not too late to protect these species and their habitat.