TCD Best of: Singapore & New Zealand Take On Climate Change, Brazil’s Biofabrica De Corais Heals Damaged Coral, Science Moms Help Ease Climate Anxiety

by | Jun 20, 2023 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

TCD Best of: Singapore & New Zealand take on climate change, plus Brazil’s Biofabrica De Corais heals damaged coral, and Science Moms help ease climate anxiety



 A couple of weeks ago, The Climate Daily reported on the announcement between New Zealand and Japan regarding their mutual investment in green energy. Now comes news that the kiwi country is strengthening its relationship to Singapore in fighting climate change. 

in a news conference, Prime Ministers Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore and Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand said the joint efforts will be part of the new climate change and green economy pillar added to Singapore and New Zealand’s enhanced partnership. 

It will involve adopting mutual cooperation on areas like energy transition technology, carbon markets, sustainable transport and waste management, as well as low-carbon and green technologies. Said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, “We cannot collectively simply return to a high carbon emissions business-as-usual approach. Globally, we have entered what must be an age of action.”

Yet another reason for the two to collaborate,  Singapore and New Zealand had a “vested interest” in China-U.S. relations being stable, and added that he hoped “wisdom will prevail” and that the conflict happening in Ukraine would not make things more complicated.

Why does this partnership between Singapore and New Zealand matter to us? In Prime Minister Ardern’s words, “No government can do this alone. It takes a strong joint effort.” 

DEEPER DIVE: AP, ChannelNewsAsia



An innovative technique conceived at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil (UFPE) may help preserve coral reefs. Scientists from Biofábrica de Corais, a project linked to the Luiz Accioly Enzymology Laboratory (LABENZ) at UFPE’s Department of Biochemistry, have developed a kind of cradle to cultivate fragments of endangered coral species. 

Corals are invertebrate animals formed of small soft-bodied polyps, connected to each other by a calcareous Kal care ee ous skeleton. The technique created at UFPE, capable of making the transplantation process simpler and more accessible, has the potential to mitigate reef degradation caused by ocean pollution and warming.

Each piece of coral is transplanted to, and grows in, a cradle for a few months until it is ready to be transferred permanently to places that have lost their original reef. A pilot project is being conducted in natural beach pools near Recife, the state capital. 

Rudã Fernandes, a biologist and founder of Biofábrica de Corais, is scientific coordinator for the project. Translated, Biofabrica de Corais means “Coral Biofactory.” Its focus is on generating products, processes and services that contribute to reef restoration and resilience. This project is comprised of 34 team members, including biologists, engineers, designers, communications professionals, and sailors. 

Why does this form of coral restoration matter to us? Regenerating coral can be a tricky business, as much art as science. But under this new cradle process, fire corals can grow by 40% in 90 days and brain corals triple in size in 120 days. And, according to Fernandes, within three months, the coral are able to fully colonize the nursery and are completely  recovered from the stress of the management process. 

DEEPER DIVE: Biofabrica de Corais, UFPE, Coastal News Today, Revista Pesquisa, LinkedIn



In the last story, we talked about work that Biofabrica de Corais is doing with Federal University of Pernambuco and the Luiz Accioly Enzymology Laboratory to restore coral using the cradle process. But is that all it does? Pretty much. As the name (in English) the Coral Biofactory focuses on generating products, processes and services that contribute to reef restoration and resilience. The company was founded in 2015 and launched its first project—the cradle concept–a year later.

Biofabrica does not collect healthy corals from their natural environment. It only harvests sick coral, or that which has fallen off, or may have been broken by oars, nets, tourists or other stresses. In addition to developing a series of activities that involve environmental education and the use of biotechnological tools to generate processes and services that favor the restoration of reefs, Biofabrica goes through a rigorous four-step process prior to restoration. All this includes:

– Reef mapping and monitoring. 

– Management of sick colonies. 

– Coral cultivation and transplantation as well as 

– Environmental education. 

Reef restoration is site dependent. After all the climate, while generally warming all over, is different depending upon the local environment, and the health of the local ecosystem. So, in addition to mitigating the environmental impact, Biofabrica also works to promote the resilience of a given environment once the coral is restored.

Why does the work of Biofabrica de Corais matter to us? Well, CORAL! 

DEEPER DIVE: Biofabrica de Corais, Grist, WWF Brazil, Eco Reporter



Last year, The Climate Daily introduced you to the Science Moms. Science Moms is a group of nonpartisan climate scientists and mothers, working to give children the planet they deserve. 

This year, we’re circling back to this group because they just recently launched a $3 million campaign encouraging moms to take action against climate change. In essence, using the power of moms to fight climate change. They’re calling it a To Do List, and it’s broken down into three S categories—swap, share and speak up. 

“Swap out carbon-polluting items for electric ones, share the message about climate science with other moms and speak up to politicians about the need for civic action.” 

They say: Speak up—join a group; reach out/talk to your leaders; and use your vote. Sharing to do’s include talking to your family and/or friends; and sharing trustworthy, entertaining climate change content—the key being science-based content. Swapping means getting your power from clean sources—even if that means looking for alternative power suppliers; learn how to electrify your home. Swap out your natural gas appliances for ones that run on electricity. And finally, if you haven’t done so already, consider swapping your internal combustion engine car for an electric vehicle. 

Why does the to do list offered by the Science Moms matter to us? Climate Change can be overwhelming. Thinking about it can paralyze even the most active of us into inaction. This list offers simple solutions that can move people to act in meaningful ways. More importantly, it gives them agency. 

DEEPER DIVE: Science Moms, NYT, Coping w/ Climate Anxiety