New Netflix Doc/Farmers Pivot/Spain’s Green Gambit/Solar Schools

by | Jan 21, 2021 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Today, on The Climate Daily, a review of Netflix’s latest Sir David Attenborough documentary. Farmers pivot from markets to online in the pandemic. Spain launches ambitious 4GW hydrogen-based electricity generation goal. And United States schools increase their solar-power capacity, despite the pandemic.


In one way or another, the pandemic has touched all of our lives. For folks living in rural communities, specifically farmers, the pandemic changed business overnight. In a Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting story, Ohio farmer Bill Brown discussed how he would typically sell his poultry at the farmer’s market. However, the pandemic canceled the markets for months, and Brown had to quickly change his business model to online sales. For Brown, sales have been so successful that he plans to use the website even when normal business returns. Brown said, “we actually kind of prefer it that way. We can put all of our inventory up, and then the customers can go in.” Brown continued, “They don’t have to worry about waiting in line or getting to the market.” Find out where your local farmers market is selling during the pandemic, and let us know.

DEEPER DIVE: Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting



Across the United States, school buildings that were shut down during the spring and summer semesters are now reopening for online, in-person and hybrid classes. However, for many schools, returning to campus involves powering back up with solar energy. In a recent Generation180 report, one study found the number of K-12 schools using solar power increased by approximately 81%since 2014. Today, more than 5.3 million students go to a school powered by solar energy. In an interview with Environmental Health News, author of the Generation180 report Tish Tablan said, “We know from research, solar is contagious, the best indicator if someone goes solar is if their neighbor has solar.” Tablan continues, “We want to bring solar to the heart of communities—which is schools.”

DEEPER DIVE: Generation 180, Environmental Health News