Flora & Fauna Extinction Could be Prevented by Restoration, Skeena Sockeye Salmon Returns to British Columbia, Growth of Green Tech Market, Top Global Companies take the Lead in on Solar

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

Restoring human-damaged, natural wild landscapes could prevent 70% of projected flora and fauna extinction. Skeena sockeye salmon returns to the Morice-Nanika river system in British Columbia thanks to Canadian Indigenous Peoples. Green Tech market forecast to grow by $20 Billion by 2024. And top five global companies lean in on solar!


Restoring natural landscapes damaged by human exploitation can be one of the most effective and cheapest ways to combat the climate crisis while also boosting dwindling wildlife populations, a scientific study finds. The changes would prevent about 70% of predicted species extinctions, according to the research, published in the journal NatureRestoring a third of the planet’s most degraded areas could result in carbon sequestration, equal to half of all human caused greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution. Scientists from Brazil, Australia and Europe identified scores of places around the world where such interventions would be most effective, from tropical forests to coastal wetlands and upland peat.

“We were surprised by the magnitude of what we found – the huge difference that restoration can make,” said Bernardo Strassburg, of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and the lead author of the study.“  The study also says that planting trees, the “nature-based solution” that has received most support to date, is not always an appropriate way of preserving biodiversity and storing carbon. Peatlands, wetlands and savannahs also provide habitats for a wealth of unique species, and can store vast amounts of carbon when well looked after. Strassburg added: “If you plant trees in areas where forests did not previously exist it will mitigate climate change but at the expense of biodiversity.”

DEEPER DIVE: The Guardian


For nearly two decades, British Columbia First Nations voluntarily closed their food fishery or limited the catch to give salmon populations time to recover from overfishing, loss of habitat, competition and climate change. Reported by The Narwhal, as a result of sacrifices made by the Wet’suwet’en and other nations, as well as collaborative conservation efforts, Skeena sockeye salmon in the Morice-Nanika river system are finally making a return.

Fisheries manager with the Office of the Wet’suwet’en, Walter Joseph, said in an interview with the Narwhal, “almost everybody that wanted sockeye this year got some, at least. I wouldn’t say it met people’s needs, but we did distribute more fish than we have in many years.” The final counts are not in, but Joseph estimates nearly 50%of fish reached the river system this year compared to 2017. Thanks to Indegenious leadership, the Skeena salmon shows promising returns and a hopeful future.

DEEPER DIVE: The Narwhal, Skeena Fisheries


A report put out by ITC Market Trends shows that the green technology and sustainability market is expected to grow from USD 8.7 billion in 2019 to USD 28.9 billion by 2024, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 27% in the next four years.  Green technology and sustainability are driven by various factors, such as rapidly approaching grid parity, cost-effective and reliable grid integration, and technological innovation. These are the three enablers which helped remove obstacles hindering the deployment of renewables. However, it also cautions that high product initiation costs associated with green technology and sustainability solutions might hinder the market’s growth.

The green technology and sustainability market has several categories where substantial job growth is expected including carbon footprint management, green building, water purification, crop monitoring, soil condition/moisture monitoring, weather monitoring and forecasting. 

DEEPER DIVE: Global Newswire


Sunshine has the power to brighten anyone’s mood. And today, sunshine also has the power to boost business. Some of the largest technology and retail companies in the world have invested more in solar energy than ever before. In a new report from the Solar Energy Industries Association, 2019 was the second largest year ever for corporate solar investment. Newly installed commercial solar capacity in the United States combines over 1,200 megawatts, which is enough to power over 240,000 homes. Reported by Fast Company, the top five corporate solar users include Apple, Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Google. The increase in solar power investments are beneficial for the environment, but can also help these companies save money. The Climate Daily will continue to bring you news on solar investment trends.

DEEPER DIVE: Fast Company, Solar Energy Industries Association