You Planted 10,000 More Trees! Interior Dept. Wants More Public Land Solar & Wind Development, Indigenous Women in Guyana Use Drones to Save Mangrove Forests!

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Podcasts, The Climate Daily

You planted 10,000 more trees! Plus Interior Dept. wants more public land solar & wind development, and Indigenous women in Guyana use drones to save mangrove forests!



Hey everybody, I am super excited to announce that The Climate’s 50/100 campaign is over! We did it! 215 listeners and friends of The Climate Daily podcast made a one-time donation of $50 or $100 to help us plant ultimately 10,040 trees! 

The final Climate Champions who helped bring our 50/100 campaign to a successful close are: John Robert “Jay” Howell, III, Robin Royner, Tony Djemidzic, Cecile Marie Garcia, Charlie “Chucky” Bravo, Sofia Lorin, Burton Z. Maxwell, The customers of The Bridge Coffee House at American University, Wendy Ferry, Nando’s Restaurant, Caroline Granger, Francesca Pazolfinas, and two, two-time Climate Champions, Daniel Fredriksson and Vicky Bonasera!!

Thank you all for your support. And stay tuned to find out where and when it all goes down! Oh and I love what Francesca Pazolfinas said about us. She said, “From now on you’re “Maude Makes Forests” and “Jeffrey Plants Trees.” That’s really touching and very creative. Thank you! 

DEEPER DIVE: WMO Report50/100 Campaign, Trillion Tree Project



 Last week, the Department of the Interior announced a proposed update of its renewable energy regulations to promote the development of solar and wind energy on public lands. The Bureau of Land Management’s proposed Renewable Energy Rule would reduce fees for these projects by around 80%, facilitate development in priority areas by streamlining review of applications, and deliver greater certainty for the private sector. The proposed new renewable energy rule piggybacks on The Energy Act of 2020, which authorized the Bureau to reduce acreage rents and capacity fees to promote wind and solar development. The Bureau initially reduced these fees through guidance in 2022. The new proposed rule would codify further reductions, improving financial predictability for developers pursuing long-term projects on public land.

Why does this new rule matter to us? Eases the path to development. The proposed Renewable Energy Rule would also expand the Bureau of Land Management’s ability to accept leasing applications in priority areas for wind and solar development without first going through a full auction. It would retain the Bureau’s ability to hold competitive auctions where appropriate and consistent with past practice and expand the its ability to accept non-competitive leasing applications when they are in the public interest. This update would help facilitate development in these identified priority areas while maintaining appropriate flexibility to ensure a fair return for the use of the public lands. 

According to a DOI press release, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Laura Daniel-Davis said, “Under President Biden and Secretary Haaland’s leadership, this Administration is taking an all-hands-on-deck approach toward ambitious clean energy goals that will support families, boost local economies, and help increase climate resilience in communities across the West.”

Back to you, Jeffrey Plants Trees…

DEEPER DIVE: DOI Presser, BLM, Energy Act of 2020



According to Sarah Chabane of “We Don’t Have Time”, a social media platform for climate solutions, Indigenous women in northern Guyana fight climate change by combining traditional knowledge with cutting-edge technology. Equipped with drones, these women are actively monitoring and preserving mangrove forests, gathering essential data to protect coastal ecosystems and influence government policies. 

Led by Annette Arjoon-Martins, the head of the Guyana Marine Conservation Society, the women are merging traditional wisdom with scientific research. Using drones allows them to scan mangrove forests, identify illegal cutting, and collect soil samples and mangrove litter. These samples will help measure the carbon stored in these vital coastal ecosystems previously inaccessible to scientists. The work of these indigenous women is particularly important for Guyana, a country with 90% of its population living below sea level. The nation’s coastline, protected by a historic sea defense system, faces the challenges of rising sea levels and intensified storm surges due to climate change. The data collected can be used to model policies and programs to safeguard critical areas and enhance coastal protection.

Why does this matter to us? Because Guyana is experiencing an oil boom which could make it one of the world’s largest offshore oil producers. And we all know what happens when offshore oil production booms. By collecting data on carbon storage in the coastal ecosystems surrounding their villages, the women hope to establish a baseline for future protection efforts. Similar to the successful low-carbon development strategy launched in 2009 to protect Guyana’s forests, this baseline could lead to the implementation of conservation programs and initiatives. The work of these indigenous women provides crucial insights into the environmental challenges faced by Guyana and contributes to the country’s fight against climate change. Let’s support their work and spread the word about what they do.

Oh and one more thing, Jeffrey and I are going to take a well-deserved vacation, so for the next three weeks, please excuse our absence and please enjoy some of a selection of our “best ofs” of The Climate Daily podcast.)

DEEPER DIVE: Sarah Chabane, We Don’t Have Time, Guyana Marine Conservation Society